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Would be cool if the slot machine's "open it" buttons were in the same spot as the price button the player last clicked, otherwise it's like trading Strange Plants with Terraria's Dye Trader.

I am on the official website and I beat the game, I only had ten jerks at the time so the game told me to choose a jerk to keep and it would not let me. After it rejected my request to select a jerk it showed the option to upgrade the time container/closet. I was then sent back to burgulon, with the three worm cubes I accepted that is. And when I got another jerk so I could store one without going under ten the game let me choose the jerk and then when I chose to begin again on the new planet I get the prompt to “continue” and when I select that prompt I am sent to burgulon with what are now my sixth worm cubes from choosing to accept them in the cutscenes/ending. I am wondering if there is any way to fix this issue as I really do enjoy the game and would like to further progress.

I'll have a look if I can fix it, but no promises ;/


this game is really cute and cool i love it 10/10

This Game Is Really Cool! Keep Up The Good Work!


Thank you!


Hello, AMAZING GAME, the graphics are really good and the characters are so cool!, But I do have a problem... I'm on the second or so chapter and I'm at the battle with Bent the moon and it seems that when I try to click "go go jerks!" It doesn't do anything, Sorry if this sounds rude but is there any way to fix it?

edit: Nevermind I just figured it out

how do you do it??

Basically you have to Build the proposition from Bret (jerk club) and try to level up the jerk squad that you have, You can also invent Cool and Fantastic Jerk cans (but they do cost a lot to invent and to buy!), And that's it 

I got the ghost exchange recently, but it's not working. It refreshes way too much and every time it does it says "the new ghost predictions are in". When it refreshes though, it doesn't give me enough time between refreshes to do anything. All of the writing doesn't even load up yet. I can't click anything and I can't even get out of the exchange, I have to refresh the tab. I've tried restarting my computer, refreshing the entire tab, and closing and re-opening the tab. Does anyone have any other suggestions to fix the ghost exchange? I don't want to have to restart the whole game.

Sorry to hear that. Try playing it on
It should work fine there.

(1 edit)

is this game discontinued?

edit: nvm 

i lost my progress :( i was in chapter 2 

What where you playing planet life on coolmathgames, phone which one

For some reason, there's a risk that it does that on itch. I recommend playing it on


Auch. Never heard of that happening. Did you delete your cookies or something?

(2 edits)

Hey does anyone have any idea on what derek's best Hat, Hand and Pants are it would help me beat the endless dungon. Also stats would be great too.Thanks

My better idea si to go full on bull fart uses with te bull fatrs lvl 1 and with shortcut door chance

i did it i beat the last derek in dereklius x

Is there an achievement for defeating Jack without the coco infused stardust?

There is no achievement but rather a massive reward for doing so.



FINALLY someone said it!

i dont even remember what this was for lol

Me neither lmao

(1 edit)

I Worked so hard to get it ( 1 Chapter ) 

you know what would be cool? If you got to design the new planet after the reset. 


I apologize for breaking your game


Typical :D



How the hell did I just play this game for literally 2 hours straight. 


hey I figured out a glitch if you don't have internet there is Whits Background :D



i am wondering how you do your save and load system and if you are willing to share it with me.

I am using localStorage.. But I had a colleague help me set it up, so I'm unsure how it works exactly

Thanks, I’ll look into it.

(1 edit)

you know that there is a way to get infinite worm cubes if you talk to sweatson in beanies imagination and go to world 2 then talk to remouladin and go to world 3 it will give you a worm cube each time

guys go to the settings and click on impatient mode then go to the fish andclick on it for gold it makes it to where you dont have to wait and you can get a lot of gold fast!


where da fish?

you have to go the broccoli planet once you get i

ik this owner should nerf Impatient mode


this game bring me entertainment at febuary 2020 thank you


it's actually quite a cute little game, especially burger

nevermind i fixed it

help? pls?

ok he still wont give me the glasses!

Any tips on how to get better jerks really fast?

(2 edits) (+2)

does anybody know how to interact with ancient derek

edit:i finally found him but i missed the dialogue

edit:i found the dialogue in the game files


here is the link for the songs:)

The animation for "Just So You Know" almost made me cry at the end

(1 edit)

If you do like them then try searching "Herobrine's Revenge Full Series"

It has AWESOME songs. Personally, "We Are The Danger" and "Goodbye" are both the best.

Anyone here like minecraft songs?

(1 edit)

I found a glitch

I don't know if it was just luck or what but when i went to the space shop and got Derek one potion it gave me two instead of one. Like i said, i don't know if i did something specific or what but i'll take 2 for 1 any day (depending on what it is xD)

(5 edits)

sorry for commenting so much, but i beat 2/3 of the derekulians, this is my biggest achievement so far :) Edit: btw HAS ANYBODY ACTUALLY BEAT DEREKULUS X YET??? and my legendary angry fat kid jerk does 80k damage when you bake 1100 muffins. Here is a key to take down the 99999 hp jack: 1st, spawn with a legendary cheating jerk, a legendary angry fat kid jerk,  a legendary giant muffin baker, then 2 legendary jerkromancer. Beware, this doesn't work all the time. 1st, u have to use the muffin baker, which leaves u with 1 action. Use the legendary cheaing jerk to get 6 actions back, which leaves u with 7. Then, use both legendary jerkromancers, and if your deck has another legendary giant muffin baker, 3-4 legendary jerk managers, 1-2 legendary jerk coaches, and maybe a legendary muffin man, jackis done for sure. I don't know how much darn damage that will do, but for sure it will beat the living daylights out of jack. I estimate it to be around 500k-1m damage, and Jack only has 100000 hp (hehe) But, you have to end it on the 1st move, or you will inevitably die. Also, there is a tiny chance you will survive the 1st attack if you got max core...

Edit: music intensifies... DEREK OF DOOM FINAL BOSS APPROACHING: 13000 hp

Just get the coca infused stardust and have him eat it all and he will explode and remouladin will wormhole him far away and after that do the party and go to jack when it gives you the option unless you don't want to prestige (he will give you 3 ) and he will finish exploding and create the original planet 

what a big day i beat 1/3 of the derekulians in derekulus x (NOT EASY)

I already defeat 21/21 dereklukians (and sorry for not spelling right)

(3 edits)

Hi guys, so for the sunglasses to get rid of jack, Remoudlain won't give me anything! I gave him everything but he won't give me the sunglasses!:( Please i need help!

(BTW this is on not

This is what happens when i go to Jack (it is not giving me the glasses still)

It is always the same!:(

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

dont play on cool math games. Theres quite a lot of bugs there, try this website: If it still doesn't work, I supposed you can get a full team of legendary jerks and beat derekulus x (spoilers: its very hard) Edit: just use space radio and improv jazz

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what do i do? How am i going to get all my progress back?

I guess i will have to start over:( But at least i can do more of it:)

Thank you ahyesthepogs

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