Here's an example: If the Derek was planning on eating 200 stardust and you baked 50 muffins, the Derek would eat 200 - 50 = 150 stardust. Hope this helps
"You wonder who kevin is, but is utterly convinced that he actually rocks" in Broccula's description shouldn't have "is", but "are", instead, if i'm not mistaken.
I can't believe it's been 2 years since I first played Planet Life, I forgot about it during school, but I came across it again, and now I've finally made an account.
If you wanna know how to beat it, it requires jerk managers, muffin jerks, jerk bakers/giant, jerk coach, ESPECIALLY CHEATING JERK AND JERKOMANCER, AND YOUR MAIN ATTACK HAS TO BE LEGENDARY ANGRY FAT KID JERK, IF U CAN, USE LEGENDARY VERSIONS, ALL HAVE ONE.
It is a lot easier than that, bit probably a lot slower. (Angry fat kid jerk, tiny cheat jerk, giant coking jerk and 8 jerkomancers. You can use angry fat kid jerk lejendary instead of te no lejendary one, cheat jerk instead of the tiny one and I thing giant lejendary cooking jerk instead of the no lejendary one. )
also how rare is it to get legendary jerks from cool and fantastic jerk cans. cause i got a legendary vengeful jerk from one of my first cool cans for my first planet life, and after i completed a game of planet life for the first time and went all the way to burger planet one of my first fantastic jerk cans got me a legendary mean jerk.
No i mean a legenday muffin jerk have you never seen a muffin jerk because if you never seen a muffin jerk then you are missing a lot of extra damage for your lengandary fat kid jerk
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i found a bug so somehow when i use a jerk like a regular jerk it will instead use a mean jerk idk if its just my computer
Very good game with good idias pls do more updates very soon
Absolutely Love this game! I love how everything looks hand drawn its very cute and funny! 10/10 Will planet again! XD
how do you get past the moon lords?
you need to have a bunch of stardust in your core and have a good jerk loadout and fight them
what dose muffens do
The attacking Derek will eat them instead of hitting your jerks. If you feed him enough muffins of course
how many muffins per 1 hp
It's 1 to 1
i baked 116 for a 50 hp derek and it still bullyed me
Here's an example: If the Derek was planning on eating 200 stardust and you baked 50 muffins, the Derek would eat 200 - 50 = 150 stardust. Hope this helps
You mean the save file?
I don't think that works here on itch, only on my own site:
accidentally deleted my post and it is still a file based sav
"You wonder who kevin is, but is utterly convinced that he actually rocks" in Broccula's description shouldn't have "is", but "are", instead, if i'm not mistaken.
Hmm, how do you exactly get stardust?
In the dungeon there are stardust rooms. They can be tough, but that's a good way to get stardust
Just found this game, great distraction at work.
I think was the only player that played planet life in the raspberry pi or anybody else?
I would love to see a screenshot of that :)
uhhh crede i posted the proof 2 years ago did you forget lol?
I can't believe it's been 2 years since I first played Planet Life, I forgot about it during school, but I came across it again, and now I've finally made an account.
imma just wait for then next update ill check on the comments for time to time
its been officially 2 years since I joined planet life lol (this is my first favorite itch Io game)
Thanks man! And thanks for staying on :)
Is that the thing that makes muffins for each jerk in your healthy pile?
I spent my 1 million rings and got no muffin jerk
what does the legendary muffin jerk look like?
If you wanna know how to beat it, it requires jerk managers, muffin jerks, jerk bakers/giant, jerk coach, ESPECIALLY CHEATING JERK AND JERKOMANCER, AND YOUR MAIN ATTACK HAS TO BE LEGENDARY ANGRY FAT KID JERK, IF U CAN, USE LEGENDARY VERSIONS, ALL HAVE ONE.
It is a lot easier than that, bit probably a lot slower. (Angry fat kid jerk, tiny cheat jerk, giant coking jerk and 8 jerkomancers. You can use angry fat kid jerk lejendary instead of te no lejendary one, cheat jerk instead of the tiny one and I thing giant lejendary cooking jerk instead of the no lejendary one. )
I kinda beat Jack without the coco stardust
yeah jack gives you a LOT more than his health would indicate he does
most OP thing ever
This game is very addicting, I can't stop playing it at least once a day.
also how rare is it to get legendary jerks from cool and fantastic jerk cans. cause i got a legendary vengeful jerk from one of my first cool cans for my first planet life, and after i completed a game of planet life for the first time and went all the way to burger planet one of my first fantastic jerk cans got me a legendary mean jerk.
it says +7 coco / sec but i'm really making +6 coco / sec
weird, how did we get here?
Crede does a legendary muffin jerk exist?
legendary jerk baker exists
No i mean a legenday muffin jerk have you never seen a muffin jerk because if you never seen a muffin jerk then you are missing a lot of extra damage for your lengandary fat kid jerk
Crede do u like the legendary canniabal jerk?
I think he has a cool style
Overall Amazing Game!!10/10
Crede why can't I do the burgulon chapter shortcut anymore?
If you are on a new game + then the shortcuts don't work
New game?
When you have completed the game, and you continue on again
Am i missing anything?
That's my CSS skills showing it's true colors right there
positive review