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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi so I'm playing on the official Planet Life site and my coco core thing disappeared and Derek did as well so I guess I'm stuck now since I need it to defeat Jack. Is this a bug or was it deliberate and I just have to max upgrade everything?

Edit: Nvm it worked without the coco core. This is a great game and I'd play again! :)

Thanks Tess! 
Glad you figured it out :D 

(8 edits)

I like its music and option for either sound or effects there, also clicking gets a different pic appearing fitting to dis/enable those sections.

That "incremental"-tag originally let me notice that your game exists and not sure if the title or preview-pic somehow caught my attention, possibly just the method of playing this game on browser? While I generally like levelling-typed games too.

I just headed in-game, while that astroid (click, hold, move drag&dropping a link) even works for e.g. this graphic, maybe I'm just too curious about tiny features, just thought feedbacking this info. Maybe not marking text could quite prevent users from copying images, maybe same for hovering over words will currently change my pointer from default to "I"-icon, which is used for html-input-tags, etc.

"starmap"-object sounds awesome with space ink animation, also "show the way to someplace cool" possibly including a missing single gap, I guess & maybe "some cool place" instead? btw: when buying it, but just taking it and not wanting to read closer info ...would be cool to get more options like: okay/nope. Same if something would get revealed in addition, what if I'm planning to examine it later? There's no "back"-button yet.

I also like how every object moves when the player being idle, also when starting the game and that planet's "face expression" changed from wow to ow.

Cool background/text-colours, graphical animation and I like its story. The itch-description's hint about progress-saving is informative too.

Derek's gym: stronger to 80atk (at its first lv) or pump-health to 100hp. uhm, if I'm using the last upgrade (btw: I had Derek beaten by enemies in a dungeon, having -7hp, while using the ressources for trading them against health it's 100/100 now. Still in dungeon he's at the same status: reviving by using some stardust), why isn't he alive with his full-health now?

Could that slot-machine probably refer to its percent/chance of success - would be awesome.

in-game shop: upgrading hp-potion effect, does it somehow downgrade automatically after getting it from 50 to 60?

I adore that paper which reveals some additional stuff (without spoilering too much info for new players) & I like the screenshots about this game.


If derek dies, you need stardust to revive it, it doesnt matter what other activities you do it increase its health, its still considered dead. If you have derek dead and you cant afford the stardust, theres a reason why there is a slot machine


Hold up

The version on itch might be bugged.
You can play the fully updated version here:

well its been a long time since post something also any updates this year


You can play the fully updated version here:

I finally had enough stardust to get legendary jerks but when I went to buy one from beanie I didn't have enough rings and now I'm not given the option to buy any anymore :(


It totally is!

What are the ghosts for? I have 2 but don't know what they do.


You will need them soon enough :)


Anyone bored after beating the game twice? I'm on my third run and I almost don't wanna play anymore.

I eventually gave up on this game, the quizz not resuming where you failed eventually got me. Also the unnecessary animations and repeated buttons click make the grinding in dungeon tedious, even navigating the menus gets annoying after a while.
IMHO, this gets too repetitive and needs shortcuts and faster gameplay.
I would suggest playing kingdom of loathing to gather a few clues and pointer from their game design.

Other than those points, this is a nice game, you can tell the dev invested heart and effort to make it. fun and enjoyable experience if you can get over the point where it gets repetitive (dungeons, and navigating menus).

Try impatient mode :) It speeds things up a bit.

itchitchhy This game already have shortcuts

I found a bug. Whenever I go to Beanie for the first time, it won't let me click "Give 20 coco as a present" option. The option is there, but it's blacked out and I can't click it. I have well over 20 coco.

As a matter of fact I can't click anything. I will admit I went to console and did "goBurgulonSurface" to skip to Burgulon chapter. I only did it cause I had made it that far on I actually beat the game once on cool math but I couldn't import the save so i just tried to jump forward to get a head start :p



my faverite youtuber played this and i finnaly founnd this game

what does impateint mode mean??? because i cant figure out the difference

It means that the text will go by faster. I figured this out when i turned it on and in the dungeon after you have Derek fight it doesn't have that "Derek?.. Derek?"  page its only there when he dies

oh thank you

so i brute force beat jack, did that effect me ending the game? because ive beat all the dungeons and the hardest derek and ive finished everything except what im supposed to use the worm cores for? can some one steer me in the right direction i feel lost?

Have you met the worm god yet

I made an account to report this

So, I found an infinite worm cube thing on the Coolmath version. I have no clue if it works here or on the most updated thing. Once you get Sweatson and go to normal planet, got to Remouladin. Whenyou go through the wormhole again, there will be a worm cube. I discovered he doesn't actually take the ghosts either, so you can just do it over and over. Its tedious because of the cutscenes, but it works. You can get a ton of them using this. Please either fix this, devs, or do whatever you want, I guess.

Thanks! I will take a look at it :)

I think there's a bug with some of the jerks. For instance, the jerkromancer acts like a mean jerk, and the legendary cheating jerk acts like a snappy jerk baker or a frankesteins baker. The legendary jerk thrower just takes a jerk action and does nothing. Also, whenever I use one of those jerks, or what they act like, the inverse jerk will be drawn (i.e. when i use the jerkromancer, it spawns a mean jerk, and vice versa.) Another thing is that, when I use a jerkromancer, I can use it even if I have 0 jerk actions, but it takes away 2. I hope this wasn't too confusing.  

Also, I don't know if this is a bug or what, but, after my save file got deleted once because cookies were cleared, (antivirus thing) I tried to export my save game so I wouldn't have to do it again. But when I try to click on the 'export save' button in settings, nothing happened. Is it because I'm on coolmath?

Yes CoolMath's export doesn't work for some reason.
As for the jerks, I'm not sure what could be causing it.. Did you beat the game once and play it again?

(3 edits) (+1)

I spent lots of hours grinding coco and wood to get my Derek to 10,000 health and strength. I complete the infinite monster dungeon and nothing cool happens. I decide to casually talk to Remouladin and go to Burgulon. Right before that, I see a new button, I click it and enter Derekulus X. After I finish the dungeon, I have two options:loot the room and enter the door. I choose to loot the room and get 3 worm cubes. Then when I try to open the door, it doesn't work.(edited)

The door leads to here :) It doesn't work on Coolmath if that's where you were playing

Okay so, I didn’t spend any ghosts to buy phone coins for the ghost trade thing. And now I have bought Ben out of his stock of ghosts. I now realize my mistake and is there anyway to get a ghost? I already broke my workshop down so that won’t work.

Follow this guide and you get 10 new ghosts!


Just right click on the window and then click inspect


What is the best way to get gold as Burger

Personally I was starting with "1 gold per sec." as chance of 30% and being rather chilled, so no upgrade for more amounts yet, I guess. Tending to focus on other ressources, e.g. wood or more valuable ones.

whats the best way to get lollipops?

in my opinion, it's taking the gnomes into the dungeons, after you get out of them the gnome you took will give you lollipops 

In my opinion Its wood poker, if you have about 20000 wood and you bet it all (on a sure win) Then you get like 200 lollipops and if anybody took the bet 20000 more wood allowing you to double the possible amount gained.

i'm a bit confused on how i'm supposed to beat the bent moon, im at the point where my jerks are fighting the moon but it just keeps saying that my team has been beaten up but they never give up and are ready to fight again and my only click option says "go go jerks" which just generates the same thing again and no matter how many times i click it nothing changes so i'm not sure how to win/get out of that cycle, am i missing something or doing something wrong?

you need to refresh the page and go talk to bret to create a team of jerks 



probably my favorite game ever.

Woooooow! :D Thanks!

Hey man I was wondering how to open my jerk cans when I bought them with my resources

They should open right when you buy them?

what do ghosts do? 

You will need them for several things. Did you figure it out?

I have been playing for a while now, and I got to the point where Derek gave me my cocoa core. I didn't know what the core did and then it disappeared and I don't know if it is important.

Did you use it on Jack?

Personaly, I think you should lower the Worm God's friend requirement to 5. But other than that 10/10

6 = ALL friends avaliable


The game is fun btw

It didnt save on the browser for me ): 

I was on the broccoli planet

Ah, sorry to hear that. You can cheat to get back to that point:

Go to burger. Make him switch between chopping wood and mining gold for about 5 or 6 times until the 'yes?' broccoli button appears. Click it and go to settings (the cockwheel in the top right corner).
Press the new Space farts button. This takes you to the Broccoli empire chapter.


I'm starting to understand fighting mechanics of the Jerks. One aspect however that has eluded my grasp are the Jerk Bakers, I tried testing them out on the Derekulians but it seems they just take the remaining stardust anyway. Is it the quantity of the muffins that screws me over? I don't know what I'm doing wrong :/

I would recommend you go to the Discord. They know everything about how to put together the perfect jerk team:

Hey i am having trouble finding the sunglasses to talk to jack any advice?

This is such a good game btw spent most of my school day doing this!

I'm really happy you're enjoying my game :)
As far as I remember it has to do with Remouladin, but if you want in depth answers you should head to the Discord:

if you still haven't figured it out you need to go to beanies imagination and go to moulidan then keep giving him lollipops until you get the sunglasses 

(btw im my opinion the easiest way to get lollipops is with the wooden poker in beanies imagination)

(1 edit)

hi love the game i'm playing on the cool maths games version and i cant find anything to protect my eyes so i can get to jack please help me edit i've found it  if you give mouliadan enough lollipops he will give them to you

Join the Discord to get some tips :)

thanks a bunch

Planet Life is a great game but I am stuck at the intergalactic ghost exchange. I think I understand how to use it but I am unable to use it. If I am not on impatient mode than it just shows a ghost and says the ghost predictions are in (briefly showing the chart and saying it reeks of opportunity every couple of seconds) but no way to actually buy or sell. If I am in impatient mode it shows the chart and the buttons, but only the top one (1 ghost for 3-22 stardust) and the back too space button, is on the screen and it updates too quickly for me to scroll down in time. 

Otherwise the game is great.

Would like to know how too do the ghost exchange though and if I am just doing something wrong.

Saw the game this morning on coolmath games and I have been playing it all day.

I am playing on a laptop on the coolmath games site.

(1 edit)

This is an issue I had with the coolmathgames version as well, that version is extremely sped up for some reason, which messes up the ghost exchange portion as well as completely speeding up the game progression. You may have to start over on a different platform since I also can't get the export savegame feature to work on coolmathgames. I'd reccomend the version, which seems to be the most stable and up-to date.

It's strange, because I tried it on cool math, and the speed was fine. A little faster, but not so fast as to ruin the ghost exchange

Hmm.. That sounds weird. I will check it out.
I recommend you play it on for the best experience though.

how do I get the infinite dungeon

Join the Discord to get some tips :)

What does Sweatson say? I tried to do google translate but i accidentally deleted it. Something about pancakes and beer?

It's Danish ;) Ask you Danish friends


does this game save on web?

update: i pinned this and it has saved

how do you play the downloaded version on pc

You open it in a browser? The index.html file that is

(1 edit)


In this topic:  over on, it was recently mentioned that the Android version of the game got more updates and collectables. 

Is this content also in the web version, because, well if so, just another reason for a third playthrough from me.

Btw, silly does not recognise bb code.

The most updated version of all is on .. It has more than the iOS version at least, and way more than the itch version.

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