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How the hell did I just play this game for literally 2 hours straight. 


hey I figured out a glitch if you don't have internet there is Whits Background :D



i am wondering how you do your save and load system and if you are willing to share it with me.

I am using localStorage.. But I had a colleague help me set it up, so I'm unsure how it works exactly

Thanks, I’ll look into it.

(1 edit)

you know that there is a way to get infinite worm cubes if you talk to sweatson in beanies imagination and go to world 2 then talk to remouladin and go to world 3 it will give you a worm cube each time

guys go to the settings and click on impatient mode then go to the fish andclick on it for gold it makes it to where you dont have to wait and you can get a lot of gold fast!


where da fish?

you have to go the broccoli planet once you get i

ik this owner should nerf Impatient mode


this game bring me entertainment at febuary 2020 thank you


it's actually quite a cute little game, especially burger

nevermind i fixed it

help? pls?

ok he still wont give me the glasses!

Any tips on how to get better jerks really fast?

(2 edits) (+2)

does anybody know how to interact with ancient derek

edit:i finally found him but i missed the dialogue

edit:i found the dialogue in the game files


here is the link for the songs:)

The animation for "Just So You Know" almost made me cry at the end

(1 edit)

If you do like them then try searching "Herobrine's Revenge Full Series"

It has AWESOME songs. Personally, "We Are The Danger" and "Goodbye" are both the best.

Anyone here like minecraft songs?

(1 edit)

I found a glitch

I don't know if it was just luck or what but when i went to the space shop and got Derek one potion it gave me two instead of one. Like i said, i don't know if i did something specific or what but i'll take 2 for 1 any day (depending on what it is xD)

(5 edits)

sorry for commenting so much, but i beat 2/3 of the derekulians, this is my biggest achievement so far :) Edit: btw HAS ANYBODY ACTUALLY BEAT DEREKULUS X YET??? and my legendary angry fat kid jerk does 80k damage when you bake 1100 muffins. Here is a key to take down the 99999 hp jack: 1st, spawn with a legendary cheating jerk, a legendary angry fat kid jerk,  a legendary giant muffin baker, then 2 legendary jerkromancer. Beware, this doesn't work all the time. 1st, u have to use the muffin baker, which leaves u with 1 action. Use the legendary cheaing jerk to get 6 actions back, which leaves u with 7. Then, use both legendary jerkromancers, and if your deck has another legendary giant muffin baker, 3-4 legendary jerk managers, 1-2 legendary jerk coaches, and maybe a legendary muffin man, jackis done for sure. I don't know how much darn damage that will do, but for sure it will beat the living daylights out of jack. I estimate it to be around 500k-1m damage, and Jack only has 100000 hp (hehe) But, you have to end it on the 1st move, or you will inevitably die. Also, there is a tiny chance you will survive the 1st attack if you got max core...

Edit: music intensifies... DEREK OF DOOM FINAL BOSS APPROACHING: 13000 hp

Just get the coca infused stardust and have him eat it all and he will explode and remouladin will wormhole him far away and after that do the party and go to jack when it gives you the option unless you don't want to prestige (he will give you 3 ) and he will finish exploding and create the original planet 

what a big day i beat 1/3 of the derekulians in derekulus x (NOT EASY)

I already defeat 21/21 dereklukians (and sorry for not spelling right)

(3 edits)

Hi guys, so for the sunglasses to get rid of jack, Remoudlain won't give me anything! I gave him everything but he won't give me the sunglasses!:( Please i need help!

(BTW this is on not

This is what happens when i go to Jack (it is not giving me the glasses still)

It is always the same!:(

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

dont play on cool math games. Theres quite a lot of bugs there, try this website: If it still doesn't work, I supposed you can get a full team of legendary jerks and beat derekulus x (spoilers: its very hard) Edit: just use space radio and improv jazz

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what do i do? How am i going to get all my progress back?

I guess i will have to start over:( But at least i can do more of it:)

Thank you ahyesthepogs

Help plz

How would I get +8 gold per second if I didn't have any friends???

Playing at on a computer

Ah, thats a bug. try to ask crede cuz I have never encountered a bug and know how to deal with it. Meanwhile, just be glad that you have free gold.

i found infinite ghost glitch in base planet (more like common sense)

btw pls dont remove the worm cubes glitch its good

how do i do it?

(2 edits)

its the galactic ghost exchange, get around 100K ghosts per hour if your average, and also I got a legendary time jerk from the fantastic jerk can omg omg omg

Edit: wow legendary jerks are actually obtainable (got legendary coach jerk and now i have 2 and I got it from fantastic can btw)

Edit #2: actually, you only get 10k ghosts for the 1st hour. Then, the 2nd hour idk yet bout to find out.

then if u play for 24 hours you'll have at least 20 quadrillion ghosts

welp, i broke the stardust limit already :/

yay new update

(1 edit)

I found this glitch where i try to ascend and it when i do it gives me 3 worm cubes but it sends me back to burgulon and then i tried to ascend again and i got an additional 3 worm cubes then got sent back to burgulon again (Edit: i turned off inpatient mode then tried it again and i reset but i still have the extra worm cubes)

wait how to meet ancient derek

anything new in derek hall of fame

i'm so dumb, i only just realized the joke with the space bar's name😩🤚

(3 edits)

hiii :D

ok so first off i just want to say that this is by far my favorite game after a few hours.

ok lol-

but like for my question: i know how to go to the console part to code for more of certain things, but is there a way to do it for stardust? i'm kinda in a tight spot with beanie's legendary jerks ykyk

edit: can you also do it for lollipops??  i kinda wanna go back to being me and not burger, and i'm pretty sure lollipops have something to do with that-

edit 2: i figured it out - you can really do it for anything! just comment on this if you need instructions :D


i cant even do consoles


just right click and then go to inspect then see if there is a word consoles and then press that and DONE

(9 edits) (+1)

Hello again! So after coming back to the game, I see there is an endgame yay :D. Too bad I didn't figure out that you can get bonus worm cubes for completing difficult parts of the game until 3rd or 4th time beating the game.

Keep up the great work, I love the game along with so many others! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

When buying the ghosts to use for the phone in the coco castle, I only bought enough for the worm god and the weirdo planet, then I used the rest for some answers to get burger back. It turns out you cant buy any more ghosts and have to use the ghost stock market to get more, but I used the coco phone to unlock the ghost stock market. Help!

PS: I'm 20 and love this game to bits lol


I'm so happy to hear that you enjoy the game :) Thanks!

And I'm sorry that you're out of ghosts.. Does Space Ben have any he can sell you?

(1 edit) (+1)

Sadly, no. I tried going through the game without any hints or spoilers, and usually what I do is max out my currency-makers then start buying the most expensive things first then work my way down to the cheapest. Thinking that there was an infinite amount of ghosts to buy, I forgot to buy the last/cheapest phone call before I started to buy answers from Burger's Ex-wife.

Seeing that I couldn't buy anymore ghosts and being at a stand-still for so long, I finally looked up what I did wrong and it turned out that I needed to unlock the Ghost Stock Market before spending the limited remaining ghosts on answers. Is there something I'm still missing?


Yeah.. I know. It's a bit flawed.
You can follow these instructions to get a few ghosts.

When you get to the console you need to write: state.ghosts = 10


You are the best! I wish there was more that I could do for you to understand how grateful I am! And of course there's going to be flaws, that's apart of the Learning Process. This game, as little as some may see, is one showing true skill and hard work coming from the creator. Again, thanks so much! I'll be sure to update you on how everything goes!

Yeah this is how i cheat with all materials = (amount) state.wood = (amount) state.stardust = (amount) state.coco = (amount)  state.ghosts (amount)


The best way to get lollipops is using the One Eyed Derekulian Roulette and using 1k gold, use the order 1,3,1 for most likely chance of success, always pull out of the game after 3.

(2 edits)

Is there a max on the Experimental Potion Research?

Edit: Do any of Derek's upgrades have maxes?


Yes, there's a max to most upgrades


crede, how much GIFs there are for equpment in the official thing?(example is cowbar or crowbar)


There's 50 different equipment GIF's :) Cowbar is one of them, and it is very different from crowbar ;)

(2 edits) (+1)

why did you make 2 equal GIFs ( cowbar and crowbar) the same way? (dont trick me i has a save with four acensions and my newest already has one)



edit 2: where you save all the GIFs that you use for later? and how much of them there are? ( normal ones)


It was something about naming the image right, and they take up so little space, so it was not a problem.

And what do you mean where I save all the gifs for later? The game has 461 GIFS, and 22 static png backgrounds

(1 edit) (+1)

i mean where you keep the GIFs for using later



First off, let me say I really enjoy the quirkiness of this game, it is so fun!

However, I think I have run into an issue.

I first discovered Planet Life the other week on coolmathgames.  Prompted me to finally make an account there after a few years.  I was  tired of losing progress on games. (Well it turns out I misunderstood what exactly was saved there.)  And long story short, I lost progress there again (entirely my fault. And I see from the comment section here that the export function was glitchy there even when it was an option.)

So I searched to see where the game was available elsewhere.  I was pleased to see all the options! ^_^ 

So following the advice you gave here, I clicked the link and it took me to .  I noticed in the beginning of the game that the dialogue seemed a tiny bit different. Interesting, I liked the original quirkyness too.  But then I started noticing no treasure chests in the dungeons.  Even though the bit here on itch is saying it's the updated version, I quickly began to come to the conclusion that it's in fact an earlier version. (I restarted/reloaded it just to test it.)

So, off to try by pasting it into the address bar, and start the game for a fourth time.  And voila, updated version with export and import functionality.

It's neat being able to see the game in its earlier form, and the .space is a neat address, but I don't know if you want to edit the links, or switch the coding, but I thought I'd give you a heads up that was happening in case you didn't know.

By the way, I really appreciate you shrinking the game display later on to fit to screen!  Less scrolling is much appreciated.

Thank you very much for making such a fun game and sharing it!

Sincerely, Winter


On the discord Crede has said that the version is going to be discontinued and not going to be updated. They have said about taking it down, but i guess its still there.


Hey SNP. Good to see you here ;)


Thank you for the heads up ^-^


Hey! I'm glad you like the game :) is from a long time ago, and I don't have access to that site..
When did I tell you to go there?

I'm glad you got to at last. It should work without a flaw there :)

Sorry about the long delay to reply.  :(

The link for is right on under the Download button.  "ATTENTION: People report that they lose their progress when playing the game here. This is due to an issue with the way handles the state in the game. If you want to avoid this, play the game from here:"

(So you didn't tell me personally, it's just hanging out there.)

(I did... and haven't had time to play it in a over month, and I miss it.  I keep wanting to find out more about Derek, Burger's, and their friends' adventures!  It was only a small time I got to play it at the appropriate link, but so far it seemed to be working just fine. )


this is the best game I've played in a wile. amazing game. 

I look forward to your next game

Thanks Dino! I hope I get the opportunity to make a project like this again :) 

your welcome

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