so I'm mostly done with the broccoli, but now I can't buy any ghosts. it's not too expensive, it's just not there. Is this supposed to happen? can ghosts run out of stock?
edit: it has now been over 7 hours and it hasn't refilled or anything. I'm starting to think this is a glitch.
Can you allow us to do dungeons again once we beat them so we can grind them because i have beat them all, also for dungeons we are re-doing can you add an auto-dungeon option but not for endless dungeons?
in the next update i would really love to be able to upgrade more than one time at a time or to just hide the animations as an options to spam the button because i let it run for like an hour and then it takes me 15 minutes just to upgrade
I was really far into the game, like already finished the story far, but when I got into the game again the next day, it had reset. Now I'm crying in my dark cold room
Thanks. It would be nice if in the next update there were some other casino style mini-games. To make the game less repetitive, maybe something simple like black jack. Or something like match 3 game. It doest have to be complicated just give us some little stuff to have extra fun with the game. :D
It's the question we're all asking ourselves. But I think there is no way back to normal for Burger.. You have to wait and see what the future brings for him
Well I finally finished the endless dungeon, though yee gods it took some grinding, and even with 6800 strength and 3600 health it was tough. actually by the time I got to the nineties and was facing over 3k Jerks at a time I finished up just farting my way through :D.
Sadly other than the hall of fame there didn't seem to be a reward, which was mildly disappointing since it did take a lot of resource gathering to get all those upgrades, although as the game gets expanded there will likely be more to do of course.
Two things I do wish, is that there was some sort of indication of the relative strengths of the Jerk's you face, since I lost out in dungeons fairly often when, even though I had more health than there were jerks, the jerks were obviously doing more damage. Even if you didn't want to include the jerk's strength, a single one word indicator of relative strength as to whether the jerkes were either stronger or weaker than Derekk, so how much health might be needed could've been helpful.
I also would've liked a way to trade stardust in higher amounts with the stupid planet, since having to constantly hammer buttons to pay ten stardust a go when I've got over 7000 got very time consuming. Actually, it'd be nice to have some stardust options for Derek, since the other resources are all used to buy his upgrades, or maybe something minigame wise to play (I loved the little games with the brockley empire like the stock exchange).
As to browsers and screne readers, you've actually already implemented many of the things are good for screen reader use, EG headings and buttons for web controls, without any annoying bits such as mouseovers.
I am guessing one problem on Ios would be that notifications in the game which disappear and reappear, such as the slots results wouldn't be automatically read by voiceover.
In the browser these aren't a problem since none of the text disappears too quickly, and it's easy enough to just press up arrow to read the line above a button to get the slots results.
This is one reason why I tend to prefer navigating web pages on pc, since its far easier when you've got handy shortcut keys to jump to next button, next heading, next edit area etc, than on Ios where you'd need to swipe, or to change the rotor control.
You might consider looking at having notification texts automatically output to voiceover, or putting them in popup on screen boxes.
I'll be looking forward to chapter 3 and new editions to the game, it's been a really fun ride, even if those endless dungeons were a bit of a slog :D.
I'm not sure what you mean by the questions not in the right order. Each question has an answer, which is one of the answers you have to buy from Ben. The order of the answers doesn't reflect the order of the questions, you just need to buy them and use them as needed, I'd recommend hearing the question, then looking for your guess from Ben, buying that answer with ghosts, then trying it out.
As to the music, no idea I'm afraid, though you can turn it off and on in settings.
Is there a way to turn the music down? Also, my friend is trying to play the game through the app and he is getting stuck on the quiz. The questions don't seem to be in the right order, and also, can't get past question 3 or something.
That is a free screen reading program for windows. Others use commercial screen readers such as Jaws for windows or Supernova, but these days NVdA is pretty good for most anything, and better than several commercial programs.
NVdA works fine with most notable browsers such as Chrome, firefox and Microsoft Edge (am using it with Chrome myself).
And the coco dungeon is finished! With i believe 1680 strength and 1600 health, with 35 potions doing 320 a pop, and 17 bull farts.
In fairness I was probably a bit over powered since I made a mistake and misplaced a number so lost at around floor 84 when I shoulddn't have done, but then decided to buy the upgrades anyway.
just the endless monster dungeon to go.
I do wish there were some rewards for finishing the endless dungeons, EG some gold production increases, or some extras for Derik.
I'll be looking forward to chapter three, I liked the little prologue, the resource interaction there looked interesting, and I like the way the universe is expanding with new characters etc, along with the minigames and so on.
Out of interest, is the Ios version exactly the same as the version here, or does it have some differences?b
Btw, Just defeated the first endless dungeon, hurrah! though at the moment I'm waiting to get enough ghosts to tackle Wify's quiz.
I was mildly disappointed there wasn't more of a reward for defeating the endless dungeon, I was hoping to raise my gold production, but still I've not finished all the coco dungeons yet, much less the monster dungeons after that so there's definitely further to go.
Thanks for posting it there! It would be awesome to have it in the database. Just out of curiosity. How do you get the text read aloud when playing the game in the browser?
Yeah, Endless Dungeons are a desert walk. But at the end of them is the greatest reward in the game.
I'm absolutely amazed I've not run across this game earlier. Over on we're quite the fans of incremental adventures like a dark room, and its great to find one with such a light hearted atmosphere and obviously a lot of attention paid to accessibility.
Sadly C cleaner ate my save file (The cookie I thought saved the game wasn't the cookie it was), but never mind, getting back there will be fun!
thanks again for all the great work, I'll be looking forward to seeing more crazy challenges in this universe.
Thanks! I'm really happy that it's accessible. And sorry to about your save file. Let me know if you need any cheats to get a little further in the games progression :)
Could you have any use for Planet Life on, or is it audio only games there?
I absolutely love this game. I'm also totally blind and I have no trouble at all with playing the game. Maybe it's something I'm not doing correctly, but when I donated, I confirmed, then the apple store wanted me to confirm again. It ended up charging me multiple times. However, if my small donations will help to keep this game updated, I'm not worried about it. It's more than worth it. The quiz thing is pretty frustrating, but that has nothing to do with errors or problems. It's just a challenge that I'll have to figure out. I get that far in to the game and then give her the wrong answers. LOL It's an awesome game and the suspense is killing me. Great job!
I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying the game :) But I'm sorry to hear that you got charged twice! Even though it's nice with the extra contribution, it's not fair. If you can see that the money has actually been charged twice from your account, you should send a complaint to apple about it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of the game! Can't wait to make more for you :)
When I had sight, I was a Mario player, and it was not uncommon for me to skip sleep altogether to play. I have not had a game that I've enjoyed like that until now! Thanks so much. I play it on my phone and can't stand to use other apps and lose the collection time! Improvements? It is almost perfect. Though, there is no audible descriptions of the points table. I have figured out the wood, gold, puffs and glitter dust numbers, but there are other numbers that are unlabled that I can't figure out. The unlabled numbers are also present when upgrading Derek or other upgrades. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and see if I have enough spending power to upgrade things! Thanks again for a great accessible game!
It's so cool to hear that you have had such a good experience with the game :) When I made the game, I had no idea that it was playable for blind people, but it's awesome that it is! I'm slowly working on the last part of the game now, and I'll definitely keep accessibility for blind people in mind. I might need some help with it though :)
That's awesome to hear! Unfortunately I haven't even started development on the next chapter yet. I have been away on a little vacation. But I might start work on it later in the summer :) I'll make sure to put out some updates before the next release
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so I'm mostly done with the broccoli, but now I can't buy any ghosts. it's not too expensive, it's just not there. Is this supposed to happen? can ghosts run out of stock?
edit: it has now been over 7 hours and it hasn't refilled or anything. I'm starting to think this is a glitch.
Sounds weird. Can you send a screenshot?
Oh.. You should get your ghosts from the ghost trade. Have you found it yet?
I think i did, it's the stupid number isn't it?
Well if it is, then i might have a problem, as i only have one ghost and no way to get more
ok nvm it was the other one
i got 10000 strength
One puuuuuuuuunch
I'm starting to think I'll need 10000 strength too, Derekulus x's tough
i was playing for a week and then i logged back one today and all my progress was lost can you tell me how to fix it
i don't know why but in burgulon 5 i can pay 30 coco for 20 gold even though it says i need to pay 40.
if i did the derekulus x does my name go to the Hall of derek?
If you can prove it :)
i send the message and a picture about the derekulus x to christianlaumark, can it be updated or is there still a problem?
That's perfect. I'll let you know when it's up. I just need time to update it :) Trying to do some Christmas
ive ended up with 16 star dust with no way to get more
Buy the slot machine :)
i dont understand how to galatic ghost exchange works :/ its so expensive
The prices fluctuate. Wait till the ghosts are cheap, and then buy heaps, that you can sell when the prices go back up again
Can you allow us to do dungeons again once we beat them so we can grind them because i have beat them all, also for dungeons we are re-doing can you add an auto-dungeon option but not for endless dungeons?
also it says i have to spend 50 ghosts again to go back to playing as burgulon 5
Yeah I might put that into the next update. Although I doubt you'll run out of things to do there ;)
in the next update i would really love to be able to upgrade more than one time at a time or to just hide the animations as an options to spam the button because i let it run for like an hour and then it takes me 15 minutes just to upgrade
I was really far into the game, like already finished the story far, but when I got into the game again the next day, it had reset. Now I'm crying in my dark cold room
I was already in the monster dungeon ;-;
My poor Derek
I'm really sorry to hear that :/
It's saving your state, so it shouldn't be a problem. Are you running any plugins with your browser?
Just honey
What does that do?
It gives me coupons and stuff, nothing that should affect an online game like this one
Finally finished last dungeon. :)
Well done!! :)
Thanks. It would be nice if in the next update there were some other casino style mini-games. To make the game less repetitive, maybe something simple like black jack. Or something like match 3 game. It doest have to be complicated just give us some little stuff to have extra fun with the game. :D
Funny you should say that ;) I'm sure you're going to love the next update!
And I agree. The dungeoning gets a bit repetitive
to clarify, on pc
Yo is it possible to download the game?
Yeah, you can download it from here, right?
If I go back to playing as planet can I go back to playing as burgulon with all my progress without buying access again?
i can't wait for the next chapter! I was wondering if the next chapter would be coming soon?
Glad to hear! I'm working on it, but it will probably still be few months before it's out
how many upgrades can you do on dereks gym? because they seem endless and how many on his classroom
I think most of them are around 99
I can not scroll down on the game on mobile
Are you playing the app or the itch version?
I'd like to play this more than I already have, but it doesn't save. Unless I'm missing something?
The game should be storing your progress automatically. Do you have to start over when you open it again?
What browser are you playing in?
Do you have any plugins going?
what do the usb sticks do? im wondering because there quite spendy
I won't spoil anything, except that they are worth the price :) You won't be able to complete the game without them
thank u
does anyone know how to get burger back to normal? (right he's this broccoli man)
It's the question we're all asking ourselves. But I think there is no way back to normal for Burger.. You have to wait and see what the future brings for him
Well I finally finished the endless dungeon, though yee gods it took some grinding, and even with 6800 strength and 3600 health it was tough. actually by the time I got to the nineties and was facing over 3k Jerks at a time I finished up just farting my way through :D.
Sadly other than the hall of fame there didn't seem to be a reward, which was mildly disappointing since it did take a lot of resource gathering to get all those upgrades, although as the game gets expanded there will likely be more to do of course.
Two things I do wish, is that there was some sort of indication of the relative strengths of the Jerk's you face, since I lost out in dungeons fairly often when, even though I had more health than there were jerks, the jerks were obviously doing more damage. Even if you didn't want to include the jerk's strength, a single one word indicator of relative strength as to whether the jerkes were either stronger or weaker than Derekk, so how much health might be needed could've been helpful.
I also would've liked a way to trade stardust in higher amounts with the stupid planet, since having to constantly hammer buttons to pay ten stardust a go when I've got over 7000 got very time consuming. Actually, it'd be nice to have some stardust options for Derek, since the other resources are all used to buy his upgrades, or maybe something minigame wise to play (I loved the little games with the brockley empire like the stock exchange).
As to browsers and screne readers, you've actually already implemented many of the things are good for screen reader use, EG headings and buttons for web controls, without any annoying bits such as mouseovers.
I am guessing one problem on Ios would be that notifications in the game which disappear and reappear, such as the slots results wouldn't be automatically read by voiceover.
In the browser these aren't a problem since none of the text disappears too quickly, and it's easy enough to just press up arrow to read the line above a button to get the slots results.
This is one reason why I tend to prefer navigating web pages on pc, since its far easier when you've got handy shortcut keys to jump to next button, next heading, next edit area etc, than on Ios where you'd need to swipe, or to change the rotor control.
You might consider looking at having notification texts automatically output to voiceover, or putting them in popup on screen boxes.
I'll be looking forward to chapter 3 and new editions to the game, it's been a really fun ride, even if those endless dungeons were a bit of a slog :D.
I'm not sure what you mean by the questions not in the right order. Each question has an answer, which is one of the answers you have to buy from Ben. The order of the answers doesn't reflect the order of the questions, you just need to buy them and use them as needed, I'd recommend hearing the question, then looking for your guess from Ben, buying that answer with ghosts, then trying it out.
As to the music, no idea I'm afraid, though you can turn it off and on in settings.
Is there a way to turn the music down? Also, my friend is trying to play the game through the app and he is getting stuck on the quiz. The questions don't seem to be in the right order, and also, can't get past question 3 or something.
Oh and as to reading text in browsers:
That is a free screen reading program for windows. Others use commercial screen readers such as Jaws for windows or Supernova, but these days NVdA is pretty good for most anything, and better than several commercial programs.
NVdA works fine with most notable browsers such as Chrome, firefox and Microsoft Edge (am using it with Chrome myself).
And the coco dungeon is finished! With i believe 1680 strength and 1600 health, with 35 potions doing 320 a pop, and 17 bull farts.
In fairness I was probably a bit over powered since I made a mistake and misplaced a number so lost at around floor 84 when I shoulddn't have done, but then decided to buy the upgrades anyway.
just the endless monster dungeon to go.
I do wish there were some rewards for finishing the endless dungeons, EG some gold production increases, or some extras for Derik.
I'll be looking forward to chapter three, I liked the little prologue, the resource interaction there looked interesting, and I like the way the universe is expanding with new characters etc, along with the minigames and so on.
Out of interest, is the Ios version exactly the same as the version here, or does it have some differences?b
I might make some kind of reward after the endless dungeons, in the next update :)
Also the iOS version is completely identical. But there are some issues with the voice over option on the iOS though.
How does the game work for you in the browser?
You are not having any issues with the slot machine for example?
There's already been some discussion on the forum, see broccoli-browser-based-incrimental-rpg/ We could definitely add this one to the accessible games database as well.
Btw, Just defeated the first endless dungeon, hurrah! though at the moment I'm waiting to get enough ghosts to tackle Wify's quiz.
I was mildly disappointed there wasn't more of a reward for defeating the endless dungeon, I was hoping to raise my gold production, but still I've not finished all the coco dungeons yet, much less the monster dungeons after that so there's definitely further to go.
Thanks for posting it there! It would be awesome to have it in the database.
Just out of curiosity. How do you get the text read aloud when playing the game in the browser?
Yeah, Endless Dungeons are a desert walk. But at the end of them is the greatest reward in the game.
I'm absolutely amazed I've not run across this game earlier. Over on we're quite the fans of incremental adventures like a dark room, and its great to find one with such a light hearted atmosphere and obviously a lot of attention paid to accessibility.
Sadly C cleaner ate my save file (The cookie I thought saved the game wasn't the cookie it was), but never mind, getting back there will be fun!
thanks again for all the great work, I'll be looking forward to seeing more crazy challenges in this universe.
Thanks! I'm really happy that it's accessible. And sorry to about your save file. Let me know if you need any cheats to get a little further in the games progression :)
Could you have any use for Planet Life on, or is it audio only games there?
Does this game auto save or have a save feature???
It should autosave. Are you having issues with it?
I absolutely love this game. I'm also totally blind and I have no trouble at all with playing the game. Maybe it's something I'm not doing correctly, but when I donated, I confirmed, then the apple store wanted me to confirm again. It ended up charging me multiple times. However, if my small donations will help to keep this game updated, I'm not worried about it. It's more than worth it. The quiz thing is pretty frustrating, but that has nothing to do with errors or problems. It's just a challenge that I'll have to figure out. I get that far in to the game and then give her the wrong answers. LOL It's an awesome game and the suspense is killing me. Great job!
I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying the game :)
But I'm sorry to hear that you got charged twice! Even though it's nice with the extra contribution, it's not fair.
If you can see that the money has actually been charged twice from your account, you should send a complaint to apple about it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of the game! Can't wait to make more for you :)
I am totally blind, and this game is 100% accessible. Thanks so much for that. I am hooked
I'm really happy to hear that! Let me know if anything can be improved :)
When I had sight, I was a Mario player, and it was not uncommon for me to skip sleep altogether to play. I have not had a game that I've enjoyed like that until now! Thanks so much. I play it on my phone and can't stand to use other apps and lose the collection time! Improvements? It is almost perfect. Though, there is no audible descriptions of the points table. I have figured out the wood, gold, puffs and glitter dust numbers, but there are other numbers that are unlabled that I can't figure out. The unlabled numbers are also present when upgrading Derek or other upgrades. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and see if I have enough spending power to upgrade things! Thanks again for a great accessible game!
It's so cool to hear that you have had such a good experience with the game :)
When I made the game, I had no idea that it was playable for blind people, but it's awesome that it is!
I'm slowly working on the last part of the game now, and I'll definitely keep accessibility for blind people in mind.
I might need some help with it though :)
Sweatson is danish. His first talk text translates to "I simply have it just so hot. Can't you get a cloth for me?" in google translate.
this game is honestly THE most addictive thing ive ever played! wish id found this sooner :0 <3
love the game!
i find myself checking everyday for an update!
That's awesome to hear!
Unfortunately I haven't even started development on the next chapter yet. I have been away on a little vacation.
But I might start work on it later in the summer :)
I'll make sure to put out some updates before the next release
Can I help you with the code/writing?
Maybe :) Send me an email on