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what does the legendary muffin jerk look like?

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If you wanna know how to beat it, it requires  jerk managers, muffin jerks, jerk bakers/giant,  jerk coach,  ESPECIALLY CHEATING JERK AND JERKOMANCER, AND YOUR MAIN ATTACK HAS TO BE LEGENDARY ANGRY FAT KID JERK, IF U CAN, USE LEGENDARY VERSIONS, ALL HAVE ONE.

It is a lot easier than that, bit probably a lot slower. (Angry fat kid jerk, tiny cheat jerk, giant coking jerk and 8 jerkomancers. You can use angry fat kid jerk lejendary instead of te no lejendary one, cheat jerk instead of the tiny one and I thing giant lejendary cooking jerk instead of the no lejendary one. )

 I kinda beat Jack without the coco stardust 

yeah jack gives you a LOT more than his health would indicate he does

most OP thing ever



This game is very addicting, I can't stop playing it at least once a day.

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also how rare is it to get legendary jerks from cool and fantastic jerk cans. cause i got a legendary vengeful jerk from one of my first cool cans for my first planet life, and after i completed a game of planet life for the first time and went all the way to burger planet one of my first fantastic jerk cans got me a legendary mean jerk.

it says +7 coco / sec but i'm really making +6 coco / sec

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weird, how did we get here?


Crede  does a legendary muffin jerk exist?

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legendary jerk baker exists  

No i mean a legenday muffin jerk have you never seen a muffin jerk because if you never seen a muffin jerk then you are missing a lot of extra damage for your lengandary fat kid jerk


Crede do u like the legendary canniabal jerk?


I think he has a cool style


Overall Amazing Game!!10/10


I'm pretty sure empress cocobar did not eat her vegetables

Crede why can't I do the burgulon chapter shortcut anymore?

If you are on a new game + then the shortcuts don't work

New game?

When you have completed the game, and you continue on again

Am i missing anything?


That's my CSS skills showing it's true colors right there


positive review

Would be cool if the slot machine's "open it" buttons were in the same spot as the price button the player last clicked, otherwise it's like trading Strange Plants with Terraria's Dye Trader.

I am on the official website and I beat the game, I only had ten jerks at the time so the game told me to choose a jerk to keep and it would not let me. After it rejected my request to select a jerk it showed the option to upgrade the time container/closet. I was then sent back to burgulon, with the three worm cubes I accepted that is. And when I got another jerk so I could store one without going under ten the game let me choose the jerk and then when I chose to begin again on the new planet I get the prompt to “continue” and when I select that prompt I am sent to burgulon with what are now my sixth worm cubes from choosing to accept them in the cutscenes/ending. I am wondering if there is any way to fix this issue as I really do enjoy the game and would like to further progress.

I'll have a look if I can fix it, but no promises ;/


this game is really cute and cool i love it 10/10

This Game Is Really Cool! Keep Up The Good Work!


Thank you!


Hello, AMAZING GAME, the graphics are really good and the characters are so cool!, But I do have a problem... I'm on the second or so chapter and I'm at the battle with Bent the moon and it seems that when I try to click "go go jerks!" It doesn't do anything, Sorry if this sounds rude but is there any way to fix it?

edit: Nevermind I just figured it out

how do you do it??

Basically you have to Build the proposition from Bret (jerk club) and try to level up the jerk squad that you have, You can also invent Cool and Fantastic Jerk cans (but they do cost a lot to invent and to buy!), And that's it 

I got the ghost exchange recently, but it's not working. It refreshes way too much and every time it does it says "the new ghost predictions are in". When it refreshes though, it doesn't give me enough time between refreshes to do anything. All of the writing doesn't even load up yet. I can't click anything and I can't even get out of the exchange, I have to refresh the tab. I've tried restarting my computer, refreshing the entire tab, and closing and re-opening the tab. Does anyone have any other suggestions to fix the ghost exchange? I don't want to have to restart the whole game.

Sorry to hear that. Try playing it on
It should work fine there.

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is this game discontinued?

edit: nvm 

i lost my progress :( i was in chapter 2 

What where you playing planet life on coolmathgames, phone which one

For some reason, there's a risk that it does that on itch. I recommend playing it on


Auch. Never heard of that happening. Did you delete your cookies or something?

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Hey does anyone have any idea on what derek's best Hat, Hand and Pants are it would help me beat the endless dungon. Also stats would be great too.Thanks

My better idea si to go full on bull fart uses with te bull fatrs lvl 1 and with shortcut door chance

i did it i beat the last derek in dereklius x

Is there an achievement for defeating Jack without the coco infused stardust?

There is no achievement but rather a massive reward for doing so.



FINALLY someone said it!

i dont even remember what this was for lol

Me neither lmao

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I Worked so hard to get it ( 1 Chapter ) 

you know what would be cool? If you got to design the new planet after the reset. 


I apologize for breaking your game


Typical :D

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