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Okay I have now mostly finished chapter 3, or at least there is only the final dungeon to go, though that is probably going to take a while to buff up with all of the correct upgrades. 

As I said in the last comment, this has been fantastic, I love the battle system, which even makes repeated fights interesting, and the ending was great, bringing in characters from the hole saga and wrapping things up. 

Since I'm going to discuss a few mechanics now in detail spoilers ahoy: 

Firstly, as I said, previously I do think there might be a miner mistake on the wood synthesizer price display, not that it's a problem since you can just click the upgrade button and see if it works.

I do wish there were a few more advanced jerks after the fantastic jerk can stage, since I reached that stage comparatively earlier on and whilst I can always buy more jerks for the pile, (I'm currently at over 110), new powers to play with are always fun.

One thing I didn't quite get, was the bit about dismissing certain jerks, since it seemed to cost stardust to get rid of them, unless the idea is that you need to just cope with the choices you have made, then again since the total number of jerks you have isn't a factor and limiting the size of your jerk pile would drastically change strategy this isn't too much of an issue.

One problem I did have however in the later game, is that just as stardust became almost useless towards the end of chapter 2, since all of Derek's upgrades just took gold wood and coco, in the same way, both gold and stardust, very much needed earlier became useless later, indeed even though I've stopped using the space bar,I have so much gold it's not funny. 

It'd be nice if either gold and stardust could be converted to other resources, or if there was something to buy with them beyond  the odd bean, using the derek summoning device or gnome sneak attempts, ditto with lollypops, indeed I love the way that so many actions give you lollypops and they're needed to gain more power. 

I'm afraid one rather odd part of the game I found was the gnome sneaking, and indeed there I'm not sure what is where. 

my reccord so far is floor 109 (I was a little confused things didn't stop at floor 99), and I don't know if I've found everything there is to find down there or not. Indeed, it might be nice to have a few more things to buy to help with the sneaking, for example, single use items to effect a diversion and give you a free sneak, or an ability similar to the door of regret that would reroll the door types for you. 

I was also a little surprised that more sneaky gnomes weren't available for even higher stardust costs as well. 

all in all though, the game has been great fun, I'll definitely be defeating the final battles and seeing what reward you get before taking the last step (which I'm fairly sure will restart the game). 

Thank a lot however for all the work you put in, the weird universe, including crazy sound effects, and all the great systems and battles. 

Whether planet life gets further upgrades or a sequel, or whether you work on something else in the future, I hope things go well.b

Hello again Dark. Thanks for the feedback! 
First of all, I'm the only one making this game, so if some part of the gameplay isn't deeper, or the end game is lacking a bit, it's because I simply haven't had the time to prioritize it.
I'm doing this project as a side thing to my full time job, so I can't put in everything if I also want to release it ;)

About dismissing jerks. To get your squad better, you will need to dismiss some of your beginner jerks so you will draw the better jerks more often. That's why there's a price on it.

About the stardust becoming useless.. You can go to Space Ben (that you got from the Celestial Summoning Device) and trade stardust for either wood, gold or coco. You can even buy rings from him.

I like the idea with consumables in the sneak dungeons. I might put that in at some point. Also I really wanted to have epic jerks that you could get by paying a lot of space rings. But I simply didn't have time to make it.

Thanks again for all your feedback and thoughts! 
It's been amazing to make this game, when there's people like you out there :)

Alright, I'm now well into the third chapter and yee gods it's bloody awesome!

There is so much stuff to do and so many different goals to try out for. Also, I love how balanced resources are, although I've not found a good way to get stardust as yet other than finding it in the sneaky dungeons, but hay I have more things to do, actually the fact that there is an awesome battle system here as well as so much else is going to please a lot of people I think.

Two points, firstly I'm not sure if the wood synthecizer prices are displaying correctly, since for a while I thought I couldn't upgrade it, also I notice that when sneaking gnomes down the dungeon, even when the rate of detection is showing at zero percent, presumably because your gnome's sneakiness is higher than the dungeon , the detection rate still rises.

Secondly, I unlocked the way back to the broccoli empire which is great, 

however I do wish that had more of an effect on burger's gameplay once I unlocked it, EG a way to send some resources from the planet to help burger out or the like, but as far as I could gather, the planet had no new options. 

it'd be nice if say you could use your resources as a planet to construct a transmitter to send Burger help occasionally, so that your past progress could actually affect your present, as well as give players something  do whilst they buy Derik upgrades :D.

Still, we'll see, I'm quite looking forward to the ending, though judging at how strong the enemies can get and how much upgrading the jerks take, chapter 3  likely to take longer than chapters 1 and 2 combined, even counting finishing the final dungeon :D.

Okay well it's done, the final dungeon of doom conquered for the second time. 

I admit that this time around I did sort of cheat a bit, or rather because I was aware of the stats necessary to finish the final dungeon I knew what I was going for, so I just bought lots of upgrades for sven and the penguin and let things run until I could get enough upgrades for Derek. This plan was also rather augmented by the fact that whilst I left my computer on all friday night resource gathering, I also ended up leaving it on all day yesterday since I wound up spending a lovely day with my lady rather than smacking Jerk's around :D.

so where before I finished the final dungeon with 6800 strength and 3600 health, and it became quite a struggle, this time around I had 7260 strength and 4200 health, as well as over 60 bull farts (had to use that gold for something), and it was far less of a struggle. Though I didn't make use of the farts until the number of Jerks exceeded my amount of health, actually I did have one nasty moment around floor 90 when I fought 3500 odd Jerks and finished with just 13 health, so resorted to gas power after that :D> 

Either way, all finished now and I can move on to Burger's story propper, which I'm quite looking forward to.b

the website still isn't working

never mind I needed to restart my game to get everything to work correctly, and yes I used the cheat on discord :)

Yep, I can confirm the jerk club is now turning up on the save when I talk to Bret, so glad that is now fixed

However, whilst I'm tempted to continue through chapter 3, I've just finished the first endless dungeon on the main planet life site and am just about to start in on the Broccoli empire. 

I'm actually rather pleased with the fact that I took the time to go through the first endless dungeon prior to moving on. 

So as I'm this far through my second playthrough, I might as well continue. It's nice to see everything again anyway, and will make chapter 3 nicer as a conclusion I think. 

I'll report back when I'm further along.


I finished all the endless dungeons back in October when I played the game originally, that's actually the save I have on 

I don't have discord and I'm not sure about discord with screen readers, but I don't mind playing through again as it's been a few months.

Spoilers ahoy for finishing endless dungeons! 

When I played through last year, the only reward for finishing all the endless dungeons was viewing of the leader board, sadly there wasn't really even a congratulations message or the like, much less anything like unlocking a cheat's section or some uba special production item or similar. I hope there is something more this time around, or is there some effect on chapter 3 if you finish all the endless dungeons? 

If  it's just the same viewing of the leader board, then I might just forget the endless dungeons this time.


Actually I think I might have just fixed the bug you encountered on itch. Try to see if you can buy the jerk club now when you talk to Bret.

About the endless dungeon, I think you got a bug. You are supposed to get a big congratulations message and also something you need to do. Could you send me an email on I'll show you what you missed :)


Okay I have started on the website. I will say I am quite sorry there is no reward or even just a congrats message for finishing all the endless dungeons, especially now that it seems chapter 3 goes elsewhere so players won't get as much chance to try them. 

Btw someone on the forum was asking whether the downloadable html version of planet life also has the broken progress issue? I would assume not given that it sounds like that is related to the version on specifically, but I'm not sure. 

Also, people are wondering when the Ios/Android versions will get the update too. 

Thanks again for the game, replaying through the first chapter just reminds me how much fun it is, and it's always nice to see old friends again.

Hi Darkempathy.
There is a big reward for completing all the endless dungeons, even though it's quite a long trip. How far did you get?

Actually I'm starting to think it has something to do with the previous version of the game that doesn't merge with the new so well. I tried to post a fix here on itch, but I'm not sure if it works yet. It's quite difficult for me to test.
You can tell them that as far as I know there shouldn't be any issues with the downloadable version here from itch. Especially if you are starting over from scratch.

Also there is a cheat to get to chapter 3 if you are tired of going through the same content again. It's pinned on the Discord server :)

iOS and Android will definitely get an update too.. I'm working on some fixes for the game, and some minor improvements, before the mobile release. But hopefully it won't be long.

And thank you! I'm really happy that you like the game, and I can't wait to hear what you think of the last chapter :) Hope you won't run into any issues

Okay I'll try on the other url. 

It means restarting the game, but I was actually thinking of doing that anyway. 

Just as a quick question, are there some rewards for completing the endless dungeons now? 

if it is just the same as before, I will go straight on after finishing the  broccali empire, if however there is something new for finishing the dungeons, I'll do them again on the new save.

Ok, sorry for the inconvenience!
And no everything in the first parts of the game is left as they were, so nothing new there :)

I'm kinda confused by the new update, I have 200 lollipops and like 700 stardust but nothing seems to be happening. All of the npcs don't seem to do anything new and i'm not sure how to unlock anything new, any hints? The only thing I can think of is like trying to meet all of the derekulians in the dungeon or to get an absurd amount of lollipops. I am on the website btw.

The itch version is broken. I'm sorry! :( Play it on

(1 edit)

I am playing it on that though, maybe it is broke on both?

Okay this is odd and I don't know if something in the game is not working, perhaps because I am continuing my save from before.

Beware! possible spoilers ahoy! 

The bar with the drunks where I could previously generate gold on Burger's planet is not showing up. 

Bret mentions the idea of starting a club for Jerk friends, there is a "what's up" link which asks me if I want to fund his new idea, but no way of accepting the proposition. 

This means that both gold and wood can only be gotten from dungeons, and entering dungeons means using stardust, so the core bean shop is not particularly economical, and coco is virtually useless. 

I have tried emptying and refilling my core twice, highering all the gnomes (even the one that took 300 stardust, though he only got to floor 26), and checking other options. 

I've got over 100 lollypops but the options for the club, or indeed anything else just aren't appearing. Indeed I wonder if the club options should've shown up just after I got the "whatsup" talk option for Bret and the space radio, which doesn't do anything at the moment.

I also notice that bret's coco collection numbers are a bit confusing, since the text says he's gathering 9 stardust a second, but the upgrade stated he was getting 16 stardust (the next will be 17, though that takes over 2000 wood which means lots of waiting around for stardust for dungeon attempts).

Again if I am missing something, or need to collect more lollypops or the like, fair enough, but previously I always remember if you looked around the game, there would always be some goal to go for to show you how to progress, and right now I'm not really seeing that. 

I'll try and go on getting crowbar upgrades, though I have a nasty feeling those just increase in price infinitely and so probably won't help with the unlocking. 

Any advice appreciated, oh, and if I have to just restart the game that's fair enough too, indeed I considered doing that anyway.

Hey. Yeah the itch version is acting up.. I'll try to upload a new version later.
But you should play the game here:
Because the Itch version has been known to randomly wipe your savegame from time to time :/

This is awesome! 

I was going to do something else today, well I suppose that is not happening :D. 

thanks for all the great work on the game. 

Btw, planet life now has an entry on our accessible games database as well:

though methinks I'll need to update it. 

well see you at the end.

Yeah I saw that entry. It's amazing :D
Remember to play the game here: since the itch version can be broken.

Enjoy the game!

I lost my save, well I guess that's okay since I hit a roadblock anyway. See you when I see you my favorite planet friend. I hoped to free derek too but I guess not.

What happened to Derek? :O 
Also play it here:
Then you won't lose your save :) Let me know if you need a shortcut to get to the second chapter

I will, I got to the second chapter and was working on getting to the bottom of the belly of the beast so that derek could be a man

nothing feels better than getting your health/strength into 10

(1 edit)

it would be really cool if the drawing board on Derek´s classroom training actually meant something you can use in the game, like how many jerks it takes to hurt Derek by one health with the current strength, but that would have to take a lot of math, and a lot of different combinations. 


Pretty good idea ;) I will keep that in mind

I also made a scale of what doors i think you should pick, assuming you're trying to beat the dungeon. It was made from my own experience. I call it: THE DEREK DOOR CHOICE SCALE (DDCS for short):

1. Shortcut door

2. Boring door

3. Wood door

4. Coco door

5. Gold door

6. Mystery door

7. Small present door

8. Medium present door

9. Large present door

10. Stardust door


I think that the wood, coco, and gold depends on your own stats and sometimes I choose stardust over large present but it mostly depends on your stats

the stardust door is the worst door to choose from when you're trying to beat a dungeon in my opinion because it has the largest jerk count than any of the other ones. although you might get lucky and have quite few, that might tilt over to the normal size of a large present door. Stats don't change efficiency. But I could be missing a major point that you are noticing.

you are wrong if you is talking about the endless normal dungeon

(6 edits) (+1)

what's derek's max stats?

edit: Max stats that i have gotten:

  1. stats:
    1. Health: 19950
    2. Strength: 15960
    3. Potion bag: 399
      1.  Potion heal: 1030
  2. Skills:
    1. Door of regret: 98
    2. Thirsty: 98
    3. Bull fart: 98
    4. Full heal: 98

You should go ask on the Discord :) I remember some people talking about it there


I have a theory as to what is happening with the lost save data:

So I did some testing and it seems like save data is correctly saved and accessed while the browser is open, but as soon as the browser is closed (or no longer running in background like when powered off or restarted) the save data is no longer accessed correctly and prompts you to start a new game. I found out that after closing the browser, the cookies are still there but opening the game again prompts you to start a new game. Maybe the first time the game is run on the browser it is trying to tell you to start a new game? I don't know much about programming on but this is my only explanation I can think of. Like the cookies are still there it just isn't accessing the saved game.

well i faced that problem and i had lots of progress.

We found out what the issue was. It's the way itch is handling the file.. It changes the path sometimes, which makes the state disappear for you. I posted a link in the description of our own hosted version of the game. Your state should be safe when you play there :)

Can I export my save there?

unfortunately not :/

will you let us know when the update is  almost finished?

Of course! I will write a post :) Also stay tuned on the Discord

how large can svens wood cuting get

It's a lot. A bit more than a hundred

(1 edit)

To beat the coco dungeons, should I raise Derek's health or strength? I also have more gold than I can use so I don't really know what to do with that either, also the game's awesome. Pretty addicting stuff.

I would say it's wise to raise both. Your strength is actually more like his defense in some sense, because it determines how much jerks damage him. And health is always great to have more of :)



I beat the game. everything was  done. i beat all of the endless dungeons. i did it all. i finished all of the upgrades. i tried to sign in and my entire game reset. im so fucking sad about this shit. at least i know how to work the stock market already

That really sucks!
I tried clearing my browsing data, and that reset the game for me as well. I don't know if you did something similar to make it reset?


it keeps resetting me i get far and it has been the 4th time i have started from the beginning.


If you mean buying ghosts from Space Ben, I imagine he does run out, most you get from the ghost exchange, just wait around until the price is low and then buy a tonne. 

Your supposed to sell when it's high, but usually Derek's Jerk busting got me more than enough Stardust.

Just stuck my head in to see if my savegame is still okay since I needed to mess with the cookies recently, and thankfully it is. 

Still looking forward to chapter three and seeing what happens to poor burger.

(1 edit)

so I'm mostly done with the broccoli, but now I can't buy any ghosts. it's not too expensive, it's just not there. Is this supposed to happen? can ghosts run out of stock?

edit: it has now been over 7 hours and it hasn't refilled or anything. I'm starting to think this is a glitch.


Sounds weird. Can you send a screenshot?


Oh.. You should get your ghosts from the ghost trade. Have you found it yet?

I think i did, it's the stupid number isn't it?

Well if it is, then i might have a problem, as i only have one ghost and no way to get more

ok nvm it was the other one


i got 10000 strength


One puuuuuuuuunch


I'm starting to think I'll need 10000 strength too, Derekulus x's tough

i was playing for a week and then i logged back one today and all my progress was lost can you tell me how to fix it

i don't know why but in burgulon 5 i can pay 30 coco for 20 gold even though it says i need to pay 40.

if i did the derekulus x does my name go to the Hall of derek?

If you can prove it :)

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

i send the message and a picture about the derekulus x to  christianlaumark, can it be updated or is there still a problem?

That's perfect. I'll let you know when it's up. I just need time to update it :) Trying to do some Christmas

ive ended up with 16 star dust with no way to get more

Buy the slot machine :)

i dont understand how to galatic ghost exchange works :/ its so expensive

The prices fluctuate. Wait till the ghosts are cheap, and then buy heaps, that you can sell when the prices go back up again

Can you allow us to do dungeons again once we beat them so we can grind them because i have beat them all, also for dungeons we are re-doing can you add an auto-dungeon option but not for endless dungeons?

also it says i have to spend 50 ghosts again to go back to playing as burgulon 5

Yeah I might put that into the next update. Although I doubt you'll run out of things to do there ;)

in the next update i would really love to be able to upgrade more than one time at a time or to just hide the animations as an options to spam the button because i let it run for like an hour and then it takes me 15 minutes just to upgrade

I was really far into the game, like already finished the story far, but when I got into the game again the next day, it had reset. Now I'm crying in my dark cold room 

I was already in the monster dungeon ;-;

My poor Derek

I'm really sorry to hear that :/
It's saving your state, so it shouldn't be a problem. Are you running any plugins with your browser?

Just honey

What does that do?

It gives me coupons and stuff, nothing that should affect an online game like this one

Finally finished last dungeon. :)

Well done!! :)

Thanks. It would be nice if in the next update there were some other casino style mini-games. To make the game less repetitive, maybe something simple like black jack. Or something like match 3 game. It doest have to be complicated just give us some little stuff to have extra fun with the game. :D


Funny you should say that ;) I'm sure you're going to love the next update!
And I agree. The dungeoning gets a bit repetitive

to clarify, on pc

Yo is it possible to download the game?

Yeah, you can download it from here, right?

If I go back to playing as planet can I go back to playing as burgulon with all my progress without buying access again?


i can't wait for the next chapter! I was wondering if the next chapter would be coming soon?

Glad to hear! I'm working on it, but it will probably still be few months before it's out

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